Wednesday, January 6, 2010


so many times i have heard of this statement, yet, never has this realisation hit me so forcefully before this evening. she came like a gust of fresh air and blew my mind open, well and truly. yes, she was so unpretentious that i am actually repentant about all my posts mocking women till now.well, it just goes to show that not all women are the same and some are just as good as some men are bad. she had no make up on, yet, a few days ago she was sashaying down the ramp in a chic gown, looking memorably glamorous, and generating appreciativelooks from all present during the navy queen ball. she was dressed in a simple shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers, and seemd all the more pretty in them. she did have a ring and two beautiful steel bangles on her right wrist. the paucity of ornaments seemed to accentuate her feminity, and she looked simply radiant. her face wasnt painted, yet ,her cheeks looked like they had just been brushed with a pink blusher. there was just the faintest touch of pink paint on her lips and her hair was pulled back in an untidy knot. the only other thing that was feminine about her was the pink nail polish she had on. although they were bright, they werent glaring and it was easily evident that she had a fine sense of balance while dressing, choosing easy and accessible and combining it with just the right amount of feminine touch.

she has a mole right above her upper lip, something that makes her look a little bit more like the girl next door. but the best thing about her are her eyes. they are large, liquid and expressive. she can speak volumes through her eyes and it was just that which made it all the more interestin to watch her. she had the cutest expressions, the cute twist of her mouth, the wrinkling of the nose, the rolling of the eyes, the easy laughter and everything else which made it more fascinating to watch her. even as i dared to ask her,"why don't you become an actor?" she just changed the topic. clearly she loved her job too much and wasnt harbouring any dreams of making it as an actor. yet, i sensed some reticence is the way she refused to talk about becoming an actor and i guess somewhere she must also have stumbled on some roadblock. she says that she presently works as the head designer of zod! shirts and at 23 yrs of age that is a phenomenal performance to say the least. she loves her job so much that she works 18x7 and that is saying something in a world where almost 9 out of 10 people are unhappy with their jobs. i guess she is just one of those women who will remain happy no matter wher they are.

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